Understanding Payment and Insurance Policies at Surgery Centers in Northern Virginia

Learn about payment and insurance policies at surgery centers in Northern Virginia. Understand copayments and coverage guidelines.

Understanding Payment and Insurance Policies at Surgery Centers in Northern Virginia

Fairfax Surgical Center is dedicated to providing the best care possible to its patients. As part of this commitment, they will bill your insurance company on your behalf as a courtesy. However, if the insurance company does not pay the claim within 60 days, the full charges become the sole responsibility of the patient. The center will make sure to request payment from the insurance company and keep you informed of the status of your claim.

It is important to note that Fairfax Surgical Center does not bill for professional services such as surgeons, anesthesiologists, radiologists and pathologists. You can expect to receive separate bills from these professionals for their services. A copayment, or copay, is a fixed amount set by an insurance plan to share the cost of certain health services. Copays are predetermined and must be listed in your health insurance plan. It is essential to understand the coverage guidelines, including applicable copayments. If you are unable to make the full payment, you can contact the OV billing call center at 866-706-7846 for possible payment arrangements.

In the Richmond, North Virginia and Virginia Beach regions of OrthoVirginia, you must go immediately to the nearest Patient First to have a blood sample drawn. If any of these options cannot be met, Fairfax Surgical Center will attempt to make other financial arrangements prior to admission. However, due to the changing nature of health insurance, it is recommended that you call your provider before your visit to confirm that Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery Group of Northern Virginia is part of your network.

Stephanie Weiker
Stephanie Weiker

Evil beer enthusiast. Infuriatingly humble coffee practitioner. Infuriatingly humble food maven. Devoted tv fan. Avid internet evangelist. Award-winning pizza enthusiast.